Were any fighter planes shot down by the bombers they were attacking in WW2? - Quora

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Why can't modern fighter aircraft shoot down Second World War bombers? - Quora

Were there any jet fighter planes used by either side during World War II? - Quora

Did any US fighter planes shoot down Zero fighters at Pearl Harbor? If so, how many were shot down? Were there any survivors from these downed Zeros? - Quora

How easy was it to shoot down a bomber in World War II? - Quora

Why didn't Japanese planes attack dive bombers from below rather than face a rear gunner? - Quora

What was the largest aircraft shot down by fighters in World War 2? - Quora

How were fighter pilots' victories confirmed in WWII? - Quora

Did the WW2 allies ever build any fighters/bombers that they could not shot down themselves if the German ever reverse enginered and use them against them? - Quora

In World War II, were any Allied bombers significantly more or less accurate than others? Or was bombing accuracy primarily a function of factors other than the plane used? - Quora

Was the Luftwaffe able to develop a countertactic to the USAAF sending their fighter escorts ahead of the bombers in the second half of World War 2? - Quora

Did the Allies ever use any captured German airplanes against the Germans in WW2? - Quora

In World War II how did the Japanese Air Force get so good? Did they build their own combat aircraft? Was the technology home brew or technology transfer? - Quora

Which British plane shot down the most planes in WW2? - Quora

Would a modern-day AAA system be useful for the bombing raids of WW2? - Quora